Past Pupils' Gather with Principal

Past Pupils' Extend a Warm Welcome to the School Principal....... The first-ever meeting of Rev. Sr. Maria Riana and The Past Pupils' Community was held on 14th of June, 2023. It was held at the President of Past Pupils' Association, Mrs. Dianna De Bond's Place. They shared their thoughts and ideas with the new Principal in order to continue their new projects, to show their never-ending support and love for their Alma Mater. They introduced themselves to Sister Principal and they had that lovely chitchatting moment with everyone. In this blog post, we are going to delve into the significance of this event, the power of shared memories, and the promise of renewed connections with St. Paul's Girls' School. The gathering commenced with a warm and heartfelt welcome which was extended to Rev. Sr. Maria Riana, the new Principal entrusted with the responsibility of leading St. Paul's Girls' School into the future as this new chapter has already begun. The h...